Step 1: Prerequisites
First we need some tools like VirtualBox, Vagrant, git, Ansible...
We´re using homebrew package manager here:
chocolatey & WSL
Bit more complicated then Mac/Unix, since Ansible doesn´t support Windows as the control machine. But there´s the Windows Linux Subsystem (WLS) ftw!
First we install VirtualBox, Vagrant & git with the package manager chocolatey. Open an evelated Powershell:
Now chocolatey is present, install
Now we need to configure WLS:
Now search the Windows Store for Ubuntu. Install it with GET. Press LAUNCH then:
Now choose username and password.
Then update packages via
Configure Ansible Control Machine on WSL
Don´t get confused: On Windows the tools Vagrant & VirtualBox must be used from a PowerShell, Ansible will be used from the Windows Linux Subsystem (WSL).
Last updated